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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2018


SportsFix is a sports streaming platform that will present live sports matches before you. The SportsFix streaming platform will present the most popular regional, local and international sports content. SportsFix will be the preferred platform for sports fans. SPORTSFIX PLATFORM IS DECENTRALIZED SportsFix is a decentralized sports streaming platform with blockchain technology. With the use of blockchain technology, the SportsFix platform will be more trusted and transparent. SportsFix uses smart contracts on the ethereum network. SportsFix is a revolutionary digital sports content with blockchain technology. SportsFix platform allows the right of sports media to invest in micro content rights. SportsFix combines Netflix content with blockchain so that it changes the way fans connect to media content. Fans can participate and be involved in their leagues and clubs in an independent economy with digital transactions using smart blockchain contracts. Sports industry data shows ...

Webercoin: The Future of Social Marketplace

ABOUT WEBERCOIN Webercoin.ico is a platform for businesses to advertise easily without the clutter that is common in many social networks and also users have access to see businesses close to them without anyone violating their privacy. Webercoin.ico is eager to create an environment where businesses showcase their goods and services to various audiences. And they have the right to choose which business or service they want to see. Webercoin.ico is a fuel for the WebAd ecosystem. This is a form of payment given to platform users who contribute positively and effectively use the platform and help businesses grow. Although this is the best way to market a product, the problem is that the number of business owners and marketers who continue to advertise their products or goods and services makes social media look like a market and is less like a media platform for socializing. 1. Benefits Blockchain Technology: Taking Finance away from banking norms and using decentralized techn...

CRYPTO SOUK - Making Digital Currency Trading Accessible To Everyone

About Crypto Souk Our vision is to build next generation digital asset swaps for merchants of every skill level in order to make digital currency trading accessible to everyone. We are devoted to enhancing our customers' trading experience with rapid trade execution, fair pricing, world-class customer service, endless improvement and unlimited creativity. Top of Line Trading UI CryptoSouk is a premier trading and financial technology company. We have built the best digital asset exchange by focusing on the needs of professional traders and digital currency experts. We are dedicated to making trading digital currencies accessible, fast and absolutely safe. Major Currencies of Digital or Fiat Trading We offer all major digital currency pairs and fiat that you love to trade. Order a book Update our live order book is strong in real-time and show buy and sell orders with live spread calculations so you can always lock the lowest spreads and get t...


Have you ever dreaded from cyber attacks on your private data? Are you scared to save your private data on your mobile phones? Say No to this awful fear of being hacked. Stealth crypto is launching very first encrypted mobile phones in the industry. As the technology is growing with the generation, the threat of hacking is also increasing. Privacy and mobile phones are not a good combination as both moves in opposite directions. But stealth crypto is manufacturing first encrypted decentralized mobile phones with approved cyber cloud security service. Privacy is a corner which every person in this world crave for and each one needs a secure place where they can keep their private data with no fear. Stealth crypto is providing an opportunity to safeguard all your private data and save your phone from cyber attacks. Let's know more about the project. PROJECT INSIGHTS Stealthcrypto empowers its users with privacy and decentralized mobile communication. The platform has the po...

INSCoin: The 1st Blockchain Based Insurance Company

Hello friends, I am very happy to give you this important information, as I usually do. I want you to read my entire writing and enrich your information and knowledge about the ICO project that I am following in its development. The ICO project I mean is "INSCOIN". This is a great innovation project and very interesting to follow in the future. About InsCoin for the Knox Project   The aim to establish the first insurance company "InsCoin for Knox Project" will receive Crypto (INSC) for payment of insurance premiums, and the first, with the help of blockchain, will solve the problem of forgery insurance policy. KNOX project will be the first insurance company that combines the real world with digital world using Blockchain technology, creating the most efficient and advanced sector, to find a solution to the problem of anti-counterfeit certification and insurance policies. This will be the first to issue insurance policies in the form of traditional sm...

OPP OPEN WIFI: Kemudahan Berinternet dan Menghasilkan Keuntungan

Halo kawan, saya sangat senang untuk memberikan informasi penting ini kepada kalian, seperti yang biasa saya lakukan. Saya ingin kalian membaca keseluruhan tulisan saya dan memperkaya informasi dan pengetahuan kalian tentang proyek ICO yang sedang saya ikuti perkembangannya ini. Proyek ICO yang saya maksud adalah "OPP OPEN WIFI". Ini adalah inovasi hebat dan sangat menarik untuk diikuti perkembangannya di masa depan.  Semua orang berencana untuk membangun jaringan WiFi gratis tanpa batas yang mudah dijangkau siapa saja. Saya yakin bahwa suatu hari internet akan bebas dan tidak terbatas, tetapi saya tidak tahu siapa yang dapat mensukseskannya. Tidak yakin apa yang bisa mereka lakukan, tetapi setiap perusahaan dan organisasi yang akan mencobanya harus didukung. Lebih banyak jaringan Wifi berarti hidup lebih mudah, komunikasi lebih cepat. Mari kita periksa detail proyek "OPP OPEN WIFI".  Tentang OPP Open WiFi   OPP Open WiFi adalah layanan berbasis komuni...

Bitcoin Sudah Bisa Penuhi Syariat Islam

Perkembangan mata uang digital seperti  Bitcoin   yang semakin luas membuat para penerbitnya mulai menyasar pasar dengan mayoritas penduduk beragama Islam secara serius. Stellar, sebuah platform berbasis blockchain, baru saja menerima sertifikasi yang membuat cryptocurrency terbitannya dinilai sudah memenuhi syariat Islam.  Lumens (XLM), demikian nama mata uang digital yang dimiliki oleh platform asal San Francisco, Amerika Serikat tersebut. Saat ini, Lumens merupakan cryptocurrency terbesar ketujuh di dunia. Berdasarkan data dari CoinMarketCap, kapitalisasinya saat ini sudah mencapai USD 5 miliar atau sekitar Rp 72 triliun. Sampai saat ini, Bitcoin masih menjadi mata uang digital paling unggul dengan kapitalisasi USD 127,8 miliar, atau sekitar Rp 1.842 triliun.  Tempat kedua dan ketiga diduduki oleh Ethereum dan Ripple dengan masing-masing kapitalisasi mencapai USD 51 miliar (Rp 736 triliun) dan USD 20 miliar (Rp 291 triliun). Lisa Nestor, Director of Partnership ...

Tak Hanya Bitcoin, Blockchain Juga Potensial untuk Pertanian

Menurut data World Bank, perekonomian Indonesia saat ini termasuk dalam urutan ke 16 dalam kategori perekonomian terbesar di dunia. Sebanyak 33% angkatan kerja bekerja di sektor pangan dan pertanian.  Selain itu, sebanyak 13,95% Produk Domestic Bruto (PDB) berasal dari sektor pangan dan pertanian yang berjumlah US$ 129.6 miliar. Sebagai negara agraris, beragam tantangan dihadapi Indonesia, antara lain produktivitas padi dari petani Indonesia yang masih rendah (14,5% lebih rendah dibanding Vietnam), membuat biaya produksi menjadi yang termahal se-Asia menurut data dari International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).  Selain itu, dilansir dari McKinsey Research, rendahnya efisiensi rantai distribusi antar petani ke konsumen juga mengakibatkan para petani Indonesia masih harus menghadapi kerugian dalam hal penurunan kualitas pasca panen sebesar 20% setiap tahunnya. Berbagai tantangan ini antara lain bersumber dari ketidakmerataan data dan ketidakseragaman informasi terkait dengan ...